The Open Source Fortress


  • Ex-builder at MutableSecurity
  • Ex-security engineer @ Romanian Army and Canonical
  • Security engineer in Snap Inc.
  • Open source maintainer
  • GSoC mentor for OpenPrinting
  • Enthusiast of good coffee, long runs/hikes, and quality time


Roundcube Webmail



$ git clone
$ cd roundcubeemail
$ scc . | head -8
Language                 Files     Lines   Blanks  Comments     Code Complexity
PHP                        526    123939    18225     28447    77267      13323
SQL                        110      2642      419       238     1985          0
JavaScript                 100     29353     3617      2800    22936       4827
HTML                        50      2738      304        31     2403          0
Shell                       21      2432      345        50     2037        323



Q: What are we missing here?

A: Input sanitisation

  • The attacker sends a POST request to the installer:

    POST /roundcube/installer/index.php HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    Content-Length: 1049
  • The attacker sends an email containing an image of non-standard format.

  • Roundcube will try to convert the image to JPG.

  • The command stored in _im_convert_path will be executed.

  • The attacker will have a reverse shell.

From DrunkenShells's Disclosures repository


But ... Was it preventable?

Yes, but ..

Not with standard linters or scanners

private static function getCommand($opt_name)
    static $error = [];

    $cmd = rcube::get_instance()->config->get($opt_name);

    if (empty($cmd)) {
        return false;

    if (preg_match('/^(convert|identify)(\.exe)?$/i', $cmd)) {
        return $cmd;

    // Executable must exist, also disallow network shares on Windows
    if ($cmd[0] != "\\" && file_exists($cmd)) {
        return $cmd;

    if (empty($error[$opt_name])) {
        rcube::raise_error("Invalid $opt_name: $cmd", true, false);
        $error[$opt_name] = true;

    return false;

From program/lib/Roundcube/rcube_image.php

Taint analysis

  • Following the program's execution flow and looking for:
    • Attacker-controlled data: rcube::get_instance()->config
    • Sensitive sink: return
  - id: return-unsanitised-config
      - php
    message: A value taken from the configuration is returned without sanitisation.
    mode: taint
      - patterns:
        - pattern: rcube::get_instance()->config->get($KEY);
      - pattern: escapeshellcmd(...)
    - patterns:
      - pattern-regex: "return"
    severity: ERROR

A Semgrep rule using taint tracking

private static function getCommand($opt_name)
    static $error = [];

    $cmd = rcube::get_instance()->config->get($opt_name);

    if (empty($cmd)) {
        return false;

    if (preg_match('/^(convert|identify)(\.exe)?$/i', $cmd)) {
        return $cmd;

    // Executable must exist, also disallow network shares on Windows
    if ($cmd[0] != "\\" && file_exists($cmd)) {
        return $cmd;


The Open Source Fortress

  • Collection of OSS tools that can be used to proactively detect vulnerabilities
  • Structure
    • Factual information
      • General software and software security topics
      • Brief presentation of each analysis technique
    • Practical examples for analysing a vulnerable codebase
      • Infrastructure and access
      • Documentations
      • Proposed solutions

But why open source?

  • Second layer of security when used with paid products
  • Replacement for paid products
  • Lower engineering effort compared with in-house solutions
  • Default collaboration


Defensive activities

The examples are from the Log4Shell vulnerability in Log4j.

Offensive activities

  • Exploit writing
    • Attack vector: through VMware Horizon
    • Mitigation bypass: T1036.004
    • Weaponisation: T1573.001
  • Exploitation

As reported by CISA in AA22-174A

Sand Castle

  • Vulnerable-by-design codebase
  • "lightweight piece of software that runs on a Debian-based server and allows users to control it through their browsers"
  • On-premise deployment
  • Written in Python and C
  • 12+ embedded vulnerabilities

height: 300px center


Threat modelling

  • Identifying asset and threats
    • What we need to defend?
    • What can go wrong?
  • Legal requirement (e.g., USA and Singapore)

OWASP Threat Dragon

  • Threat modelling tool backed by OWASP
  • Usual process
    1. Threat model creation
    2. Diagram creation: STRIDE, CIA
    3. Asset representation: stores, process, actor, data flow, trust boundaries
    4. Manual threat identification, with type, status, score, priority, description, and mitigation


Code querying

  • Searching a specific pattern in the codebase
  • Optional abstract representation of the codebase
    • Abstract syntax trees
    • Control flow graphs
  • Query types
    • Literals: scanf
    • Regex: scanf\(.*\)
    • Data structures: ({cpg.method("(?i)scanf").callIn}).l in Joern's CPGQL
  • Community queries (but generic)


From Trail of Bit's "Fast and accurate syntax searching for C and C++"

$ pip install semgrep
- id: secret-logging
    - pattern-either:
        - pattern: $LOGGING_LIB.$METHOD(..., $MESSAGE, ...)
    - metavariable-pattern:
        metavariable: $LOGGING_LIB
            - pattern-either:
                - pattern: logging
                - pattern: logger
    - metavariable-pattern:
        metavariable: $MESSAGE
            - pattern-either:
                - pattern: <... password ...>
                - pattern: <... token ...>
            - pattern-not: |

$ semgrep scan                              \
  --sarif                                   \
  --config ~/analysis/semgrep-rules         \
  --output ~/analysis/semgrep.custom.sarif  \
│ Scan Status │
  Scanning 17 files (only git-tracked) with 4 Code rules:


│ Scan Summary │
Some files were skipped or only partially analyzed.
  Scan was limited to files tracked by git.

Ran 4 rules on 11 files: 9 findings.
    f"Authenticating user with credentials: {username}:{password}"



  • (Partially) open-source code scanner
  • Support for 30+ programming languages
  • No prior build requirements
  • No DSL for rules
  • Default or third-party rules



  • Running a program and offering random, unexpected inputs
  • A crash = a security issue
    • *NULL
    • Sanitizers: ASan, UBSan, etc.
  • BFS traversal of the CFG
  • Optimisations


From AdaCore's "Finding Vulnerabilities using Advanced Fuzz testing and AFLplusplus v3.0"

$ docker exec -it aflplusplus/aflplusplus /bin/bash
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  int length, read_length;
  char *buffer, *filename;

  if (argc != 2){
    return 1;

  filename = argv[1];
  FILE * f = fopen (filename, "rb");

  fseek (f, 0, SEEK_END);
  length = ftell (f);
  fseek (f, 0, SEEK_SET);
  buffer = malloc (length);
  fread (buffer, 1, length, f);
  fclose (f);

  generate_recovery_token(buffer + 4, buffer);

  return 0;
$ AFL_USE_ASAN=1 /AFLplusplus/afl-cc            \
  -g                                            \
  -o crash_me_if_u_can.elf                      \
  generate_recovery_token.c sha256.c harness.c
$ afl-fuzz                              /
  -i ~/analysis/afl++/c_modules/inputs  /
  -o ~/analysis/afl++/c_modules/outputs /
  --                                    /
  ./crash_me_if_u_can.elf @@
    american fuzzy lop ++4.09a {default} (./crash_me_if_u_can.elf) [fast]
┌─ process timing ────────────────────────────────────┬─ overall results ────┐
│        run time : 0 days, 0 hrs, 0 min, 0 sec       │  cycles done : 0     │
│   last new find : none seen yet                     │ corpus count : 1     │
│last saved crash : 0 days, 0 hrs, 0 min, 0 sec       │saved crashes : 1     │
│ last saved hang : none seen yet                     │  saved hangs : 0     │
├─ cycle progress ─────────────────────┬─ map coverage┴──────────────────────┤
│  now processing : 0.2 (0.0%)         │    map density : 26.79% / 26.79%    │
│  runs timed out : 0 (0.00%)          │ count coverage : 5.27 bits/tuple    │
├─ stage progress ─────────────────────┼─ findings in depth ─────────────────┤
│  now trying : havoc                  │ favored items : 1 (100.00%)         │
│ stage execs : 151/459 (32.90%)       │  new edges on : 1 (100.00%)         │
│ total execs : 173                    │ total crashes : 1 (1 saved)         │
│  exec speed : 99.88/sec (slow!)      │  total tmouts : 19 (0 saved)        │
├─ fuzzing strategy yields ────────────┴─────────────┬─ item geometry ───────┤
│   bit flips : disabled (default, enable with -D)   │    levels : 1         │
│  byte flips : disabled (default, enable with -D)   │   pending : 0         │
│ arithmetics : disabled (default, enable with -D)   │  pend fav : 0         │
│  known ints : disabled (default, enable with -D)   │ own finds : 0         │
│  dictionary : n/a                                  │  imported : 0         │
│havoc/splice : 1/12, 0/0                            │ stability : 100.00%   │
│py/custom/rq : unused, unused, unused, unused       ├───────────────────────┘
│    trim/eff : 20.00%/1, disabled                   │          [cpu001:350%]
└─ strategy: explore ────────── state: started :-) ──┘

server_recovery_passphrase = getenv("SANDCASTLE_RECOVERY_PASSPHRASE");
if (server_recovery_passphrase == NULL)
  return NULL;

passphrase_len = strlen(server_recovery_passphrase) - 1;

buf = (BYTE *)malloc(SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE * sizeof(BYTE));
if (!buf)
  return NULL;

// Prevent buffer overflow by allocating more
hashed_len = length + passphrase_len;
hashed = (BYTE *)malloc(10 * hashed_len * sizeof(BYTE));
if (!hashed){

  return NULL;

strcpy(hashed, server_recovery_passphrase);
strcpy(hashed + passphrase_len, data);




Secret scanning

  • Secrets
    • API keys
    • Credentials
    • Tokens
  • Searching for specific patterns or entropy for a secret
  • Community (generic) rules

Download a binary from the GitHub releases.

$ gitleaks                                \
  --no-banner                             \
  detect                                  \
  --report-format sarif                   \
  --source ~/codebase                     \
  --report-path ~/analysis/gitleaks.sarif \
5:48PM INF 68 commits scanned.
5:48PM INF scan completed in 196ms   
5:48PM WRN leaks found: 5

app = Flask(__name__)

app.secret_key = (

LOG_LOCATION = "/var/log/sandcastle.log"



  • Detector for hard-coded secrets
  • Analysis of the entire Git history
  • Support for baselines and custom formats of secrets


"You would be wise to surrender" - Darth Vader


Dependency scanning

  • Iterating through all dependencies for finding their vulnerabilities
  • Usage of the dependencies declaration list

Download a binary from the GitHub releases.

$ osv-scanner                                     \
  --lockfile ~/codebase/sandcastle/poetry.lock 
Scanned ~/codebase/sandcastle/poetry.lock file and found 23 packages
│ OSV URL                             │ CVSS │ ECOSYSTEM │ PACKAGE  │ VERSION │ SOURCE                          │
│ │      │ PyPI      │ pillow   │ 9.5.0   │ codebase/sandcastle/poetry.lock │
│ │ 8.8  │ PyPI      │ pillow   │ 9.5.0   │ codebase/sandcastle/poetry.lock │
│      │      │ PyPI      │ pillow   │ 9.5.0   │ codebase/sandcastle/poetry.lock │
│ │ 8    │ PyPI      │ werkzeug │ 3.0.0   │ codebase/sandcastle/poetry.lock │
│      │      │           │          │         │                                 │

python = "^3.10"
Flask = "^2.3.3"
python-pam = "^2.0.2"
six = "^1.16.0"
pillow = "^9.5.0"

10.0.1 (2023-09-15)

    Updated libwebp to 1.3.2 #7395 [radarhere]
    Updated zlib to 1.3 #7344 [radarhere]




"You would be wise to surrender" - Darth Vader


  • Static analysis for finding issues before compiling/running the code
  • Issues
    • Formatting
    • Grammar (for example, non-inclusive expressions)
    • Security
$ pip install bandit
$ bandit                                          \
  --recursive ~/codebase/sandcastle/sandcastle/   \
  --format sarif                                  \
  --o ~/analysis/bandit.sarif
[main]  INFO    profile include tests: None
[main]  INFO    profile exclude tests: None
[main]  INFO    cli include tests: None
[main]  INFO    cli exclude tests: None
[main]  INFO    running on Python 3.11.6
[formatter]     INFO    SARIF output written to file: /home/iosifache/analysis/bandit.sarif
for tarinfo in tar:
    name =
    if tarinfo.isreg():
            filename = f"{extract_dir}/{name}"
            os.rename(os.path.join(tmp, name), filename)

        except Exception:

    os.makedirs(f"{extract_dir}/{name}", exist_ok=True)


  • Linter for Python
  • Abstract syntax tree representation of the code
  • Custom modules for:
    • Patterns of suspicious code
    • Deny lists of imports and function calls
    • Report generation
  • Support for baselines


"You would be wise to surrender" - Darth Vader

Symbolic execution for taint analysis

  • Investigating all CFG paths by replacing the concrete values with symbolic ones
  • Components
    • Sources
    • Sinks
    • Patterns
  • Path explosion problem
int f(int a, int b){
    int x = 1, y = 0;

    if (a != 0) {
        y = x + 3;
        if b == 0 {
            x = 2 * (a + b);

    return (a + b) / (x - y);


From symflower's "What is symbolic execution for software programs"

$ docker exec -it klee/klee /bin/bash
int main() {
  char re[10];
  int count;

  klee_make_symbolic(re, sizeof re, "re");
  re[9] = '\0';

  klee_make_symbolic(&count, sizeof(int), "count");

  generate_recovery_token(re, count);

  return 0;
$ clang               \
  -emit-llvm          \
  -c                  \
  -g                  \
  -O0                 \
  -Xclang             \
  -disable-O0-optnone \
  -I .                \
  source.c            \
  -o source.bc
$ klee source.bc
KLEE: NOTE: found huge malloc, returning 0
KLEE: ERROR: source.c:216: concretized symbolic size
KLEE: NOTE: now ignoring this error at this location
KLEE: WARNING ONCE: calling external: strcpy(94204336258496, 94204335341000) at source.c:224 10
KLEE: ERROR: source.c:118: memory error: out of bound pointer
KLEE: NOTE: now ignoring this error at this location


  • Generic symbolic execution with security use cases
  • Built on LLVM

Thanks, Cristian Cadar!

Other techniques


Security tooling automation


"Ubuntu does not mean that people should not address themselves, the question, therefore, is, are you going to do so in order to enable the community around you to be able to improve." - Nelson Mandela


Do security-focused work!

  • Create a threat model.
  • Do a security review and report your findings.
  • Implement new security mitigations.
  • Propose or backport patches.
  • Create new workflows for security scanning.
  • Integrate the project in OSS-Fuzz.



  • Give it a GitHub star.
  • Share it with your friends or followers.
  • Write a short feedback email to the maintainers.


- Example - Roundcube

- Trying to gauge the adoption of the tool - Steady increase of stars

- Shodan as a search engine for computers on the Internet - By using a query, 161k were discovered

- PHP, SQL, JS, and HTML as top most used programming languages

- Familiar for homelabbers - The web installation page of Roundcube - Plug the details in the browser and they will be stored on the server

- If the instance is exposed on the Internet, then anyone can set the details.

- Can you spot the missing steps?

- For example, TIFF

- The reason: custom function which are not known by default by the standard tools

- Approach for detecting if the configuration is returned

- Seeing later how can we run Semgrep - Errors generated for the lines in red

Let's tackle the elephant in the room.

- Log4j - CVSS of 10 (critical) - CWE-502: Deserialization of Untrusted Data - Links in the presentation, which will be accessible after the conference

- Identifiers from MITRE ATT&CK matrix - Symetrically-encrypted channel communication - Mimiking a legit service

- Vulnerable-by-design - WebGoat - Damn Vulnerable Web Application - CloudGoat - Vulnerabilities in dependencies

- Picture perfectly illustrating: - An asset: the food - A threat to our asset: the cat - Threat modelling: being inspired enough to assume that the cat will attack when we open the fridge

- Advantages - Secure by design - Prioritisation - Stakeholder confidence booster

- The first open source tool: OWASP Threat Dragon - Video illustrating how easy it is to model the system and map the threats

- Remembering this image? - The search scene from "Matrix" - The next discussed technique: searching in the code, namely "code querying"

- Data structures specific to the abstract representation

- Just look at this image! - How a compiler or another program understands the source code - AST - What is we have a way to query it? - E.g., "all calls to logging functions where secrets are exposed"

- For this, we have Semgrep. - Straight-forward installation

- This is another classic. - Guesses? - Idiocracy from 2005 in which the people are dumb enough to use brute-force to solve a childish game of matching shapes and holes - What is we use the same brute force approach?

- Optimisation - Instrumenting the source code - Knowing the input format - Defining the states - Testing all input streams

- Open source tool for this: AFL++

- Trying to fuzz the generate_recovery_token function - Developing a harness that does ...

- Compile step

- A bug is found in the first iterations.

- If we use a debugger for checking why the program crashed, then we reach this function. - Fixed size of the buffer, but user controlled length

- There was a habit to hide the keys. - In the most visible place possible. - An experience thief will try to initially search in this place. - What if we try to do the same with the secrets that can be embedded in code?

- XKCD meme illustrating a chain of dependencies, which is familiar as a concept to us

- If you are in the Python or Node.js ecosystem, you'll have a similar tree of dependencies. - What is one vulnerability appears in a dependency? - Is our software vulnerable because it depends on that package? - The short answer: no - Maybe our software doesn't trigger the vulnerability. - But how can we detect these vulnerabilities?

- Last section - Standards for car safety - Executing a bunch of checks that the car should partially or fully pass - The same concept is applied in linting.

- Another section, another movie - Maze Runner, in which they should run in a maze to initially map, and then escape it - If we think about our programs as some mazes that we try to solve, then we can directly use the same concept.

- Considering the program on left - The right part is what a symbolic execution engine will see.

- The same function we fuzzed before. - Marking the `re` buffer and the `count` variable as symbolic - Calling the `generate_recovery_token` function again

Keep this content synced with "wiki/docs/Other"

- Every engineering linking some automation

Keep this content synced with "wiki/docs/Security tooling"

- Wrapping the presentation - Familiar with the term "Ubuntu" - But the word have yet another meaning, being a South African ethical concept

- Interview with Nelson Mandela - In the open source space, there are multiple ways in which one can help.

- As mentioned at the beginning, these are not SotAs, so there is a lot of space for improvement. - In this way, I can bet that the whole community will be grateful for your work.

- If there is a single thing that I want you to remember is this website. - One can find there the presentation, exercises, a cheatsheet and more.