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Cheat sheet for getting started

OWASP Threat Dragon for threat modelling

  1. Install and run the Docker image

    docker run
    --port 8080:3000
    --volume $(pwd)/.env:/app/.env
  2. Access the OWASP Threat Dragon user interface at http://localhost:8080

  3. Use the interface to create models, diagrams, assets, trust boundaries, and threats.

Bandit for linting Python

  1. Install bandit: pip install bandit bandit_sarif_formatter
  2. Generate a configuration: bandit-config-generator --out <config_path>
  3. Edit the configuration file stored at <config_path> according to your codebase.
  4. Scan your codebase: bandit --recursive <codebase_path> --format sarif --output <report_path> --config <config_path>
  5. Validate the resulting warnings using a SARIF explorer (for example, the SARIF Viewer extension for Visual Studio Code).

flawfinder for linting C

  1. Install flawfinder: pip install flawfinder
  2. Recursively scan your codebase: flawfinder --sarif <codebase_path> > <report_path>
  3. Validate the resulting warnings using a SARIF explorer (for example, the SARIF Viewer extension for Visual Studio Code).

Semgrep for linting any supported languages

  1. Install Semgrep: pip install semgrep
  2. Scan your codebase: semgrep scan --sarif --config auto --output <report_path> <codebase_path>
  3. Validate the resulting warnings using a SARIF explorer (for example, the SARIF Viewer extension for Visual Studio Code).

OSV-Scanner for scanning dependencies in any supported language

  1. Download any release of OSV-Scanner from its GitHub page.
  2. Scan your lock file: osv-scanner --lockfile <lockfile_path>
  3. Validate the resulting warnings.

Gitleaks for scanning secrets in Git repositories and codebases

  1. Download any release of OSV-Scanner from its GitHub releases.
  2. Scan: gitleaks --no-banner detect --report-format sarif --source <codebase_path> --report-path <report_path> --redact
  3. Validate the resulting warnings using a SARIF explorer (for example, the SARIF Viewer extension for Visual Studio Code).