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Analysis environment


The tools that will be used during the workshop are:

  • OWASP Threat Dragon for modelling the cyberthreats for a given application;
  • Gitleaks for scanning a Git repository for leaked secrets;
  • OSV-Scanner for scanning dependencies for vulnerabilities;
  • flawfinder for statically analysing C code to find security concerns;
  • Bandit for statically analysing Python code to find security concerns;
  • Semgrep for code querying;
  • AFL++ for fuzzing C code; and
  • KLEE for symbolically executing C code.

Docker infrastructure

For the analysed application and the above tooling, the workshop provides a Docker Compose infrastructure with the following services/containers:

Sand Castle

  • Service name: sandcastle
  • Description: Demo Sand Castle instance
  • Docker Compose profiles
    • sandcastle
    • all
  • Dockerfile in the ossfortress repository: sandcastle/Dockerfile
  • Hosted image: iosifache/sandcastle:main in GitHub Container Registry
  • Exposed ports: 8000 for the web UI
  • User: root
  • Credentials: N/A
  • Relevant folders: N/A

OWASP Threat Dragon

  • Service name: owasp_threat_dragon
  • Description: OWASP Threat Dragon instance, accessible from localhost
  • Docker Compose profiles
    • threat-modelling
    • all
  • Dockerfile in the ossfortress repository: N/A
  • Hosted image: owasp/threat-dragon:latest in Docker Hub
  • Exposed ports: 8001 for the web UI
  • User: root
  • Credentials: N/A
  • Relevant folders: N/A


  • Service name: coder
  • Description: Coder instance, accessible from localhost
  • Docker Compose profiles
    • threat-modelling
    • all
  • Dockerfile in the ossfortress repository: tooling/coder/Dockerfile
  • Hosted image: iosifache/coder:main in GitHub Container Registry
  • Exposed ports: 8002 for the web UI
  • User: coder
  • Credentials: ossfortress as the password for authenticating in the user interface
  • Relevant folders
    • /home/coder/codebase for Sand Castle's codebase
    • /home/coder/tooling for the tooling-related information
    • /home/coder/analysis for files resulted during the analysis of the vulnerable codebase

Static analysers

  • Service name: static-analysers
  • Description: Ubuntu container with static analysers (Gitleaks, OSV-Scanner, flawfinder, Bandit, and Semgrep) installed
  • Docker Compose profiles
    • static-analysis
    • all
  • Dockerfile in the ossfortress repository: tooling/static-analysers/Dockerfile
  • Hosted image: iosifache/static-analysers:main in GitHub Container Registry
  • Exposed ports: N/A
  • User: root
  • Credentials: N/A
  • Relevant folders
    • /root/codebase for the Sand Castle codebase
    • /root/tooling for the tooling-related information
    • /root/analysis for files resulted during the analysis of the vulnerable codebase


  • Service name: aflplusplus
  • Description: Container with AFL++ installed
  • Docker Compose profiles
    • dynamic-analysis
    • all
  • Dockerfile in the ossfortress repository: tooling/aflplusplus/Dockerfile
  • Hosted image: iosifache/aflplusplus:main in GitHub Container Registry
  • Exposed ports: N/A
  • User: root
  • Credentials: N/A
  • Relevant folders
    • /root/codebase for the Sand Castle codebase
    • /root/tooling for the tooling-related information
    • /root/analysis for files resulted during the analysis of the vulnerable codebase


  • Service name: klee
  • Description: Container with KLEE installed
  • Docker Compose profiles
    • dynamic-analysis
    • all
  • Dockerfile in the ossfortress repository: N/A
  • Hosted image: klee/klee:latest in GitHub Container Registry
  • Exposed ports: N/A
  • User: root
  • Credentials: N/A
  • Relevant folders
    • /root/codebase for the Sand Castle codebase
    • /root/tooling for the tooling-related information
    • /root/analysis for files resulted during the analysis of the vulnerable codebase


The below infrastructure presents the recommended workflow for analysis, using the recommended tooling and Docker Compose services.

Analysis infrastructure


The infrastructure can be setup:

  • Manually: Follow the installation guide provided in the documentation of each each tool. The documentations are linked in the pages for each tool.
  • By using the provided Docker Compose infrastructure.

Docker Compose

Please ensure you have installed Docker Engine and Docker Compose.


On Debian-based operating systems, it's as easy as running the convenience script and installing docker-compose-plugin via apt.

Clone the GitHub repository as follows:

git clone

You can use docker-compose --profile all pull to pull the GHCR images. Otherwise, use docker-compose --profile all build for building the images from scratch. If the build fails, try running again after setting the DOCKER_BUILDKIT environment variable as follows: export DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1.

docker-compose --profile all up will spin up the services.