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💎Vulnerabiltiies to be discovered
The next vulnerabilities should be discovered in this sections:
⚙️AFL++ setup
If you didn't set up the dynamic-analysis profile's infrastructure, please do so by running the command docker-compose --profile dynamic-analysis up.

Use docker exec --interactive --tty aflplusplus bash to enter the container where the CLI application is contained.
📚AFL++ documentation
The AFL++ documentation is available here.


Changing the input stream of the C library

  1. At the moment, the files from portrait/c_modules are used to compile a shared object using Makefile. To increase the speed of the future fuzzing process, copy the folder with C sources in /root/analysis/afl++/c_modules and modify test.c to read the parameters for the generate_recovery_token call from stdin or a file. You should establish a convention for how the parameters are sent. For example, a 4-byte integer can be the first, followed by the bytes representing the string.
  2. Use afl-cc to compile the source code you adapted. You can also leverage the already existing Makefile. The resulting executable file should be stored in /root/analysis/afl++/c_modules/test. Also make the required modifications to use Address Sanitizer and debugger symbols.
  3. Create the directories /root/analysis/afl++/c_modules/inputs and /root/analysis/afl++/c_modules/output.
  4. Using the convention that you established, create the file /root/analysis/afl++/c_modules/inputs/example that contains a valid input for the program you compiled.
  5. Ensure the environment respects the expected state and that the program runs correctly by using cat /analysis/afl++/c_modules/inputs/example | /analysis/afl++/c_modules/test.

To display the solution of this task, enter the text i-surrender-to-the-code-security-gods in the field below.

Fuzzing the program

  1. Create an afl-fuzz command that takes the demo inputs from /root/analysis/afl++/c_modules/inputs and writes the analysis to /root/analysis/afl++/c_modules/output. Let the program fuzz for a minute.

To display the solution of this task, enter the text i-surrender-to-the-code-security-gods in the field below.

Validating the crashes

  1. For each crash, find the generated example input in /root/analysis/afl++/c_modules/outputs and run to validate the crash.
  2. Use gdb to run the program with the generated example input and see where the program is crashing.

To display the solution of this task, enter the text i-surrender-to-the-code-security-gods in the field below.