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💎Vulnerabiltiies to be discovered
The next vulnerabilities should be discovered in this sections:
⚙️flawfinder setup
If you didn't set up the static-analysis profile's infrastructure, please do so by running the command docker-compose --profile static-analysis up.

Use docker exec --interactive --tty static-analysers bash to enter the container where the CLI application is contained.
⚙️Coder setup
If you didn't set up the static-analysis profile's infrastructure, please do so by running the command docker-compose --profile static-analysis up.

Access this link to interact with the application's web user interface. Use the oss-fortress password for login.
📚flawfinder documentation
The flawfinder documentation is available here.



  1. Scan all files in the portrait/c_modules folder, generating a SARIF file as output, /root/analysis/flawfinder.sarif.
  2. Validate each warning produced by flawfinder by manually inspecting the code. Use the Coder instance in the Docker infrastructure to review the results.

To display the solution of this task, enter the text i-surrender-to-the-code-security-gods in the field below.